The Politics of Representation in Latin American Visual Cultures
Room 204, ARB
11am-1pm on Tuesdays, Lent term
Week 1 - Violent Materialities: Conflict, Victimhood and the Documentary Body (Dr Geoffrey Maguire)
Teatro de guerra (dir. Arias, Argentina,2018)
La memoria de los huesos (dir. Beraudi, Argentina, 2016)
Réquiem NN (dir. Echavarría, Colombia, 2013)
Key issues
- Reflexivity and the documentary genre
- Testimony as performance, performance as testimony
- Trauma, victimhood and the autobiographical body
- The archive and the repertoire
- Materiality, loss and the desaparecido
- Violence and the production of space
Week 2 - Waste Not Want Not (Prof Geoffrey Kantaris)
This seminar looks at some key documentary films from Brazil (and optionally one from Mexico) dealing with the representation of waste, pollution and garbage.
Primary texts
Jorge Furtado et al. Ilha das Flores (Brazil, 1989) (short)
Eugenio Polgovsky, Resurrección (Mexico, 2016)
Marcos Prado, Estamira (Brazil, 2004)
Lucy Walker et al., Lixo Extraordinário (Waste Land, Brazil and UK, 2010)
Eduardo Coutinho, Boca de Lixo (Brazil, 1992) (optional)
Key issues
Ethics of waste, garbage and “refuse”
The “aesthetics” of garbage and representational economy
The relationship between commodities and garbage
The waste cycle: what leaks out?
The human-waste interface: people as garbage
Can garbage speak?
Recycling garbage into art / film
Garbage and space
Week 3 - Sex and Scandal: Exploitation Cinema in Latin America (Dr Oliver Wilson-Nunn)
Intimidades de una cualquiera (dir. Armando Bó, Argentina, 1974)
Correccional de mujeres (dir. Emilio Vieyra, Argentina, 1986)
El llanto de la tortuga (dir. Francisco del Villar, Mexico, 1975)
Content warning
These films contain multiple references to and sometimes explicit images of sexual violence and trafficking.
Key issues
- Exploitation, sexploitation, ‘latsploitation’
- ‘Negative’ images
- Hetero/Bi/Homo-sexual spectatorship
- Pastiche, parody, and self-reflexivity
- Sex symbols
- Sex work and trafficking
- Sexuality, dictatorship, and democracy
- Religion and reproduction
- Victimhood, revenge, and agency
Week 4 - Questioning Past Utopias: Race and Genre in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema
Afro-Futurism in the Brazilian Context (Prof Maite Conde)
Key Issues
Race in Brazilian Cinema
Science Fiction in Latin American Cinema
Afro Pessimism
Utopia / dystopia
African diaspora
Branco Sai, Preto Fica (dir. Adireley Queiroz, 2015)
Marte Um (dir. Grabriel Martins, 2022)
Medida provisória (Execitive Order; dir. Lázaro Ramos, 2020)
Other Films
Bom dia, Eternidade (dir. Rogério de Moura, Rogério 2010).
Yansan (dir. Carlos Eduardo Nogueira, 2006)
Space is the Place (dir. Sun Ra, 1974)
The Last Angel of History (dir John Akomfrah, 1995).
The Brother from Another Planet (dir. John Sayles, 1984)
Week 5 - Sexuality, Cinema and the Transnational Queer (Dr Geoffrey Maguire)
XXY (dir. Lucía Puenzo, Argentina, 2007)
Praia do Futuro (dir. Karim Aïnouz, Brazil, 2014)
Taekwondo (dir. Marco Berger, 2016)
Key Issues
Queer corporeality in Latin American film
Filmic embodiment and the haptic
Representations of sex, sexuality and nature
Cinematic sexualities and masculinities
Transnational queer cinema and the ‘global gaze’
Week 6 - Contemporary Documentary Film and the Law (Dr Oliver Wilson-Nunn)
Los cuerpos dóciles (dir. Diego Gachassin, Argentina, 2016)
Presunto culpable (dir. Roberto Hernández and Geoffrey Smith, Mexico, 2008)
Juízo (dir. Maria Augusta Ramos, Brazil, 2008)
Key issues
- Documentary reflexivity, performance, and observation
- Cinematic evidence, defence, and accusation
- Structural relationships between law and cinema
- Documentary ethics
- Judicialization and juridification
- Human rights
- Criminalisation
- Race, class, and the law