Key Issues and Texts
Seminar 1: Being ‘Indio’ in Spanish and Portuguese America (Jimena Lobo Guerrero Arenas)
This session introduces ‘being indigenous’ in colonial Latin America. It will examine the specificities of how indigeneity was imagined and shaped by Europeans and Indigenous communities alike throughout the colonial period. It will also explore colonial violence and indigenous resistance to colonialism and rebellion as well as the impact of Christianity, mestizaje, and race on colonial body politics. The last 30 minutes of the seminar will delve into a discussion on the use of material culture to voice Indigenous communities in colonial Latin America.
Key issues
- ‘Indios/as’ in colonial Latin America
- Indigenous resistance and rebellions
- Colonial mestizaje and body politics
Required texts
- Guaman Poma de Ayala, F. (1615). Primer Nueva Crónica y Buen Gobierno Chapter 30, pp. 865-870.
- Rani, T. Alexander., Kepecs., Susan., Palka, Joel W., and Judith Francis Zeitlin (2018) Archaeologies of Resistance in Alexander, Rani T., and Susan Kepecs. Colonial and Postcolonial Change in Mesoamerica: Archaeology as Historical Anthropology. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico. pp. 73-96 Chapter 5
- Bonet, Natalia García. (2019) 3 The Indian Within: Negotiating Indigenous Identity among Dominant Images of Indigeneity in Venezuela. Bulletin of Latin American Research 38.1: 57-75.
- Gänger, Stefanie. (2020) A Thing of the Past. Transnational Perspectives on the Conquest and Colonization of Latin America. 1st ed. Routledge. 114-25
Discussion: Indigenous Agency through Material Culture
The objects below, belonging to the collections of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (MAA), are related to indigenous peoples in Latin America. PICK ONE and familiarise yourself with it:
1924.282; Z 1294; 1947.460; 1992.116; 1939.224 B; 2022.23; 1953.473; Z 43314; 1949.336; 1988.324; 1934.617
9If you have any trouble with the link for each object, alternatively you can access the museum's online database here and enter the accession number manually)
What is it? Who made it? How was it made? Who used it? When was this type of object firstly produced? Is the object still in use today? What type of information can we get from analysing the object, e.g., resistance, creativity, hybridity? What does it tell us about Indigenous agency? What do these objects tell us about the image that has been built about indigenous populations in Latin America?
Please, be ready to talk about it for a couple of minutes so we can compare and contrast different objects and their importance to study Indigeneity in Latin America.
Note: This session will take place at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (MAA). It will include a handling session and discussion around objects.
Seminar 2: Race, nation-building, and the politics of dispossession (Jimena Lobo Guerrero Arenas)
The nineteenth century gave birth to the ‘scientific’ philosophy of race and the development of modern Anthropology, Ethnography and Archaeology, in which perceptions of morality, intelligence, and civilisation were deeply tied up with notions of race. This is precisely the period when Latin American political elites needed to build a modern nation-state after gaining the independence from Spain. While doing so, they were confronted with established social hierarchies in the region, legacy of the Spanish colonisation and slavery. How did notions of race entangle with post-independence nation-building? What were the consequences of that for Indigenous and Afro-Indigenous communities in Latin America? What are the different modes of cultural dispossession faced by Indigenous people in the 19th century and early 20th century? This seminar will examine these questions by drawing on case studies from the independence period till today. The last 45 minutes of the seminar will serve as a two-group discussion on two modes of indigenous dispossession: cultural heritage, and biopiracy.
Key issues
- Race, mestizaje, and indigeneity
- Latin America’s 19th-century nation-building/indigenista project
- Legacies of 19th-century cultural indigenous dispossession
Required texts
- Jofré, I.C. (2014). The mark of the Indian still inhabits our body. On ethics and disciplining in South American archaeology. In A. Haber and N. Shepherd (eds.), After Ethics: Ancestral Voices and Post-disciplinary Worlds in Archaeology. New York: Springer, pp. 55-78.
- Earle, R. (2002). 'Padres de la Patria’ and the Ancestral Past: Commemorations of Independence in Nineteenth-Century Spanish America. Journal of Latin American Studies 34(4): 775-805.
- Diaz Arias, David. (2007) Entre la guerra de castas y la ladinización. La imagen del indígena en la centroamérica liberal, 1870-1944 Revista De Estudios Sociales (Bogotá, Colombia) 26: 58-72.
Discussion: Modes of indigenous dispossession
Please choose either A or B and watch the video(s). Please be prepared to give a brief presentation about the video (5 min max) so that we can compare and contrast different analysis on modes of cultural dispossession and their importance for studying indigeneity in Latin America.
A: Cultural heritage
In what ways does dispossession affect the intangible cultural heritage of indigenous peoples in Latin America, and how do these communities work to protect their cultural expressions and rituals from exploitation and misappropriation? How the commodification of indigenous art, artifacts, and cultural practices in Latin America is challenging the preservation and ownership of cultural heritage among indigenous communities in the region?
- TV Universidad (13 June 2019): ‘Restitución a la comunidad Nivaclé en Museo de La Plata’
- María Antonieta de la Puente Díaz (2019) ‘Semillas contra el despojo’
B: Biopiracy
How has biopiracy impacted the political and economic dispossessions experienced by indigenous communities in Latin America? What role do national governments and international institutions play in addressing the politics of dispossession for indigenous people in Latin America? How do indigenous activists and organizations in Latin America engage in political mobilization and advocacy to combat biopiracy and the associated dispossession of their traditional knowledge and resources?
Mülchi, H. (2010). Calafate, Zoológicos Humanos
Seminar 3: Reclaiming the City: Urban Indigeneities in Latin America (Natalia Buitron)
In popular imaginaries and the majority of studies on indigenous peoples, authentic Indigeneity is confined to remote forested and rural areas. This seminar instead explores long-standing forms of Indigenous urbanism, the dynamic co-creation of forest and city, and the growing political relevance and vibrant experiences of urban Indigenous peoples and spaces.
Key issues
- Pre-historic and contemporary urbanism: the case of ancient Amazonian cities
- Indigenous mobilities and urbanisation in the 20th century
- Hybrid spaces and performances: markets/housing, protest and performance
Required texts: pick and read at least two readings from the below list of required texts
- Ikemura Amaral, H., Horn, P. & Poets, D. 2022. Introduction: Indigenous urbanisation in Latin America. Bulletin of Latin American Research 41(1):1-3. (IDiscover and open access)
- Horn, P. (2019). Urban Indigeneity as lived experience. In Indigenous Rights to the City. Routledge. Chapter 5, pp. xx. (IDiscover but computer access only so to be uploaded on Moodle)
- Peluso, D. M. (2015) ‘Circulating between Rural and Urban Communities: Multi-sited dwellings in Amazonian frontiers’, The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology. Wiley, pp. 57-79. (IDiscover and open access)
- McNelly, A. (2022). Baroque Modernity in Latin America: Situating Indigeneity, Urban Indigeneity and the Popular Economy. Bulletin of Latin American Research 41(1): 37-52. (IDiscover and online)
AND pick one of the texts from ONE of the sub-themes below:
Subtheme 1: Ancient and Contemporary Images of Amazonian Urbanism
- Heckenberger, M. J. (2009) Lost Cities of the Amazon. The Amazon tropical forest is not as wild as it looks. Scientific American 64-71
- Film Unnatural Histories: Amazon. 2011. BBC
- Peluso, D. (2023) The Politics of Ese Eja Indigenous Urbanite Images in Distinct Nation States. The Bolivian and Peruvian Amazon. In Urban Indigeneities. University of Arizona Press. Chapter 6, pp xx-xx. (soon on IDiscover).
Subtheme 2: Cholo Markets and the Struggle for Housing
- Tassi, N. 2010. The ‘Postulate of Abundance’. Cholo Market and Religion in La Paz, Bolivia. Social Anthropology 18(2): 191-209 (soon on IDiscover).
- Ikemura Amaral, A. (2023). Making Money and Ends Meet. Racialization, Work, and Gender among Bolivian Market Vendors. In Urban Indigeneities. University of Arizona Press. Chapter 3, pp. xx-xx. (soon on IDiscover).
- Bianet Castellanos, M. (2020). Introduction + Eviction: Invoking Indigenous Resistance. In Indigenous Dispossession: Housing and Maya Indebtedness. Stanford University Press. Introduction, pp 1-25 and Chapter 5, pp, 100-118. (IDiscover).
Subtheme 3: Urban Mapuche/ Reclaiming Santiago de Chile
- Merino, M.E., Webb, A., Radcliffe, S., Becerra, S. and Gloria Aillañir, C., (2020). Laying claims on the city: young Mapuche ethnic identity and the use of urban space in Santiago, Chile. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, v. 15, p.1-22. (IDiscover and open access)
- Casagrande, O. 2021.Towards a tuwün wariache? Place‐making and creative acts of traversing in the Mapuche city. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 27(4), 949-975 (IDiscover)
- Casagrande, O., Alvarado Lincocopi, C., & R. Cayuqueoeo Martínez. (2022). Performing the jumbled city. Subversive aesthetics and anticolonial indigeneity in Santiago de Chile. University of Manchester Press. (Open access) * Pick ONE chapter from this book and accompanying website.
Seminar 4: Indigenous Sovereignties and Resurgence: Contemporary Struggles for Life, Knowledge, and Autonomy (Natalia Buitron)
Indigeneity has historically been imagined as a pre-political stage prior to the civil state. By contrast, this seminar shows how Indigenous projects of governance delimit state power. Some Latin American indigenous collectives fight for inclusivity and constitutional collective rights but others go beyond in seeking territorial autonomy and self-determination. In both cases Indigenous collectives, and especially women activists, are engaged in a battle over the very meaning of life.
Key issues
- The mutual construction of sovereign state and Indigeneity
- Identity Politics and the struggle for collective rights
- Buen Vivir, the struggle for territory, and the politics of autonomy
- The Rise of Indigenous women activism
Required texts: pick and read at least two readings from the below list of required texts
- Canessa, A. (2017) Hobbes’ Border Guards or Evo’s Originary Citizens? New Diversities, 19(2): 69-84 (open access).
- Kepa Artaraz, M., Trueba, M. L. (2021). Introduction: Vivir bien/Buen vivir and Post-Neoliberal Development Paths in Latin America: Scope, Strategies and the Realities of Implementation. Latin American Perspectives 48(3) (IDiscover)
- Ioris, Antonio A. R. 2023. Indigeneity and Indigenous Politics: Ground-breaking Resources. Revista de Estudios Sociales 85 (Open access)
- Sieder, Rachel, ed. (2017) Introduction Demanding Justice and Security: Indigenous Women and Legal Pluralities in Latin America. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Introduction, pp 1-25. (IDiscover)
AND pick one of the texts from ONE of the sub-themes below:
Subtheme 1: Does Buen Vivir go beyond Identity Politics? / What are the meanings and challenges of Indigenous autonomy?
- Postero, N. and Tockman, J. (2020). Self-Governance in Bolivia’s First Indigenous Autonomy: Charagua. Latin American Research Review 55(1): 1-15 (IDiscover)
- Merino, R. et al. (2021) Buen Vivir and the Making of Indigenous Territories in the Peruvian Amazon. Latin American Perspectives 48(3) (IDiscover)
- Rivera Andía, J.J., Vindal Ødegaard, C. (2019). Introduction: Indigenous Peoples, Extractivism, and Turbulences in South America (IDiscover and open access)
Subtheme 2: Is Indigenous women activism a vehicle or challenge to Indigenous autonomy? And how does it reframe state sovereignty?
- R. Aída Hernández Castillo. (2018). Multiple Dialogues and Struggles for Justice. Political Genealogies of indigenous Women in Mexico, Guatemala, and Colombia. In Multiple InJustices: Indigenous Women, Law and Political Struggles in Latin America. University of Arizona Press. Chapter 2, pp 67-122.
- Picq M. L. (2018) Sovereignties within. In Vernacular Sovereignties: Indigenous Women Challenging World Politics. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. Chapter 5, pp. 157-179. (IDiscover)
Seminar 5: Shamanism, mimesis and alterity: spaces of transformation and blurred identities in Latin American popular culture (Françoise Barbira-Freedman)
Shamanism is perhaps the main generic social and cultural process that has created the contours of indigeneity in Latin America through time. In this seminar, it is presented as a set of practices that carry a distinctive indigenous label but at the same time have been defined through dialectical relations between Indigenous people and the dominant society since colonial times. Themes include the relationship between Christianity and Amerindian cosmologies, shamanic knowledge and its use in mediating racial conflicts, shamanism as popular medicine and popular culture in mixed rural and urban populations and the blurred identities of present-day shamans as they claim and/or ‘perform indigeneity’. Materials range from the colonial period to the rubber boom, up to the global expansion of Ayahuasca shamanism, the emergence of women shamans in the Amazon region. Mapuche shamans in Chile exemplify the complex gendered identities of shamans throughout Latin America.
Key Issues:
- The transition of curanderos and brujos to shamans and neo-shamans with the emergence of indigeneity
- Indigeneity as performed through shamanic practice
- Relational politics and the historical remodelling of counter-hegemony
Required texts:
- Taussig, M. (1987). Shamanism, Colonialism and the Wild Man: A Study in Terror and Healing. Chicago University Press. Chapters 6 to 12 and 23 to 25. (Moodle)
- Gow, P. (1994). ‘River People: Shamanism and History in Western Amazonia’. In C. Humphrey and N. Thomas (eds), Shamanism, History and the State. University of Michigan Press. (Moodle)
- Barbira Freedman, F. (2014). ‘Shamans’ Networks in Western Amazonia: the Iquitos-Nauta Road’. In B.C. Labate and N. Clavnar (eds.), Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond. Oxford University Press, pp. 130-158. (Moodle)
- Bacigalupo, A.M. (2007). Shamans of the Foye Tree: Gender, Power and Healing among Chilean Mapuche. University of Texas Press. Introduction and Chapters 2, 3 and 9. (Moodle)
1. How can we explain that what we call shamanism, in its many different forms, continues to re-invent itself in time throughout Latin America as a live counter-hegemonic cultural heritage, in contra-opposition to state and religious authorities?
Focused readings:
- Langdon, Esther Jean. 2016. The Revitalization of Yajé Shamanism among the Siona: Strategies of Survival in Historical Context. Anthropology of Consciousness Volume27, Issue2 Special Issue: Ayahuasca, Plant‐Based Spirituality, and the Future of Amazonia, Pages 180-203.
- Bacigapulo, A.M. (2016). Thunder Shaman: Making History with Mapuche Spirits in Chile and Patagonia. University of Texas Press. (CLAS library)
Select and present the life and work of a shaman of your choice as portrayed in the anthropology literature or in the media.
2. What does shamanism tell us about indigeneity as relational politics in which people labelled or self-ascribing as Indigenous are both socially and economically disadvantaged and yet are attributed powers sought by non-indigenous people on local and international scales?
Focused readings:
- Fotiou, Evgenia. 2020. Shamanic Tourism in the Peruvian Lowlands: Critical and Ethical Considerations. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology. Vol 5(3):374-396.
- Menezes, Débora. 2020. Shamans in the city: Brazil clinic offers traditional treatments. Mongabay
Watch the documentary The Last Shaman, by Raz Degan, 2017 (Netflix)
Seminar 6: Growing up 'indigenous' in Amazonia and the Andes in the 21st century: policies of biculturalism, ontologies of difference (Françoise Barbira-Freedman)
In contrast with the culture of shamanism in which race relations are virtually inverted and redeemed in the Latin American popular imaginary, this second seminar addresses how children grow up ‘Indigenous’ in both rural and urban contexts. The seminar explores the ways in which indigeneity is constituted as a social category during childhood through institutionalised health and education from birth, while at the grassroots, Amerindian tropes of sociality and personhood endure. Throughout Latin America, programmes of ‘interculturality’ that stem from postcolonial indigenismo overtly support multiculturalism. Schools and health posts, however, are ambivalent spaces in which parents and children negotiate their indigenous identities in everyday life. In both health and education, ontologies of difference remain while Indigenous people struggle to overcome poverty. How are tensions between embodied, oral, and implicit cultural norms of indigenous socialization and the socially accepted expressions of indigeneity reconciled in practice? Are there shared features of indigenous childhood in Latin American countries? How relevant are the politics of place and/or territory to the affirmation of indigeneity for children in the fluid social ‘mestizaje’ in peri-urban neighbourhoods and areas of colonisation?
Key issues:
- Intercultural education and health
- Nurture as shared ethos of indigenous upbringing
- From indigenismo to indigeneity
- Strategies for the integration of Indigenous ontologies in education and health care (with special reference to maternity care).
Required texts:
- Cortina, Regina 2019. Indigenous Education Policy, Equity, and Intercultural Understanding in Latin America.
- Nemogá-Soto, Gabriel R. 2018. Indigenous and Intercultural Education in Latin America: Assimilation or Transformation of Colonial Relations in Colombia. Journal of Intercultural Studies Vol39(1): 1-19.
- McCallum, C. (2001). Gender and Sociality in Amazonia: How Real People are Made. Oxford: Berg. Chapters 1, 2, 3.
- Rahman, E., F Barbira Freedman, F. Garcia Rivera F and M.Castro Rios. 2023 ‘You Teach Who You are’: Lessons with FORMABIAP’s educative community. número especial "Pedagogía y aprendizaje y conocimiento indígena" to follow link.">Oxford Review of Education: Vol 49, No 4 (Current issue) (
- De la Cadena, M. (2010) ‘Indigenous Cosmopolitics in the Andes. Conceptual Reflections beyond “Politics”. Cultural Anthropology 25(2): 334-370.
- Leinaweaver, J. (2008). The Circulation of Children: Kinship, Adoption and Morality in Andean Peru. Duke University Press. Chapters 1, 5 and 6. (e-book)
1. Is intercultural education and health care possible? If schools and health posts are valued in indigenous communities, both rural and urban, across Latin America, how can indigenous ontologies and practices receive greater consideration in national and international policies?
Focused reading:
- Rival, Laura. 2023. Pedagogies for the future: ethnographic reflections on two Latin American learning journeys. " to follow link.">Oxford Review of Education: Vol 49, No 4 (Current issue)pp.554-568 (
- Rahman, E. (2015). Hydrocentric Infants and their Alchemic Sedimentation: Artfully Binding the Bodily Soul among Xié River Dwellers of Northwestern Amazonia. Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America 13(2): 44-59.
- Anthony-Stevens, Vanessa and E. Gallegos Buitron. 2023. Indigenous Mexican Teachers and Decolonial Thinking: Enacting Pedagogies of Reclamation. Anthropology &Education Quarterly Vol 54(2): 144-164,
- Film 1. D’Argenio, Maria-Chiara. 2022. Indigenous Plots in Twenty-First Century Latin American Cinema. Chapter 6: pp. 225-245. Coevalness, Indigenous Modernity and Indigenization: El sueño del mara’akame (2016).
2. To what extent multicultural governance can make space for Indigenous cosmopolitics? Based on examples, how are issues perceived by non-Indigenous and Indigenous authors/film makers? is dialogue possible?
Focused reading:
- Cortina, Regina and Amanda Earl. 2020. Embracing interculturality and Indigenous knowledge in Latin American higher education. Compare 51(60):1-18. (ResearchGate)
- Carpena-Mendez, Fina and K. Pirjo Virtanen. 2022. Indigenous Pedagogies in a Global World and Sustainable Futures. Anthropology & Education Quarterly 53(4):308-320
- Llamas A, Mayhew S. 2018."Five hundred years of medicine gone to waste"? Negotiating the implementation of an intercultural health policy in the Ecuadorian Andes. BMC Public Health. 2018 Vol.18(1):686
- Film 2: Los Herederos, by Eugenio Polgovsky (2008) featuring child labour in Mexico from the perspective of Indigenous children.