Simón Bolívar Professor 2013-14
Rosalva Aída Hernández
Rosalva Aída Hernández earned her doctorate in anthropology from Stanford University in 1996. She is currently a Professor and Senior Researcher at CIESAS, the Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology in Mexico City. Her research interests cover ethnic studies, legal and political anthropology, postcolonial feminisms and activist research. One of her projects involves exploring the experience of indigenous women with customary law and national law. She has worked extensively in the past on exploring plural identities in Chiapas as well as the human rights of Guatemalan refugees in Mexico. She is the author of Sur Profundo. Identidades Indígenas en la Frontera Chiapas Guatemala (CIESAS-CDI 2013) , Histories and Stories from Chiapas: Border Identities in Southern Mexico (UT Press 2001) published also in Spanish as La Otra Frontera: Identidades Múltiples en el Chiapas Postcolonial (2001), and of Etnografías e Historias de Resistencias. Mujeres Indígenas Resistencia Cotidiana y Organización Colectiva (2008 PUEG-UNAM-CIESAS) and is co-editor of: Descolonizando el Feminismo. Teorías y Prácticas desde los Márgenes (Catedra 2008) Dissident Women. Gender and Cultural Politics in Chiapas (UT Press 2006); El Estado y los indígenas en tiempos del PAN: neoindigenismo, identidad y legalidad (Porrúa 2004), Mayan Lives, Mayan Utopias: the Indigenous Peoples of Chiapas and the Zapatista Rebellion (Rowman & Littlefield 2003); and The Other Word: Women and Violence in Chiapas Before and After Acteal(IWGIA 2001) among other books. She is a recipient of the Martin Diskin Oxfam Awardfor her activist research.