Research Methods and Frameworks
Referencing and Citational Practices (for all students)
Liesbeth François
7 November 2023, 11:00 - 12:30 | Room 204, CLAS, ARB
This seminar provides an introduction to the practical and political aspects of referencing and citation in academic research. We will discuss the various functions of references, and the implications of who we choose to cite in our work, and how. Likewise, we will look at the role and nature of citations from the angle of research integrity. The session also aims to offer practical tips and tools for organising notes and articles and for creating bibliographies, for instance using reference management softwares such as Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote.
In preparation for the seminar, students are asked to read the following:
- Mott, Carrie, and Daniel Cockayne. 2017. ‘Citation Matters: Mobilizing the Politics of Citation toward a Practice of “Conscientious Engagement”’. Gender, Place & Culture 24 (7): 954–73.
- Rivera Cusicanqui, Silvia. 2012. ‘Ch’ixinakax Utxiwa: A Reflection on the Practices and Discourses of Decolonization’. The South Atlantic Quarterly 111 (1): 95–109.
‘El Campo’: Preparing for Fieldwork in Latin America (for those considering doing fieldwork)
Dr. Aiko Ikemura Amaral (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Dr Alejandra Díaz de León (El Colegio de México)
Workshop - Friday, 16 February 2024, 10:30 - 12:30 & 14:00 - 16:00, Room 204, ARB
This workshop will introduce and discuss themes and issues emerging from fieldwork research in Latin America, including preparation, accessing ‘the field’, conducting fieldwork and leaving ‘the field’. Together with the students we will reflect about ethical issues, power asymmetries and extractivist research, as well as ways to foster anti-colonial academic practice. We will discuss fieldwork experiences and research methods and offer students a space to raise questions, discuss potential risks and problems and talk about their own research expectations. By providing a basic toolkit for remote and in-person fieldwork and fostering awareness over best practices in research, this workshop hopes to provide a useful introduction for those aiming to go to ‘the field’ in Latin America.
Requirements: Prior to the session, please complete the two readings below and this form (to be returned by 08 February 2024) describing your current project and previous research experience. We also encourage you to submit questions in advance of the session.
Sundberg, Juanita (2008) ‘Masculinist epistemologies and the politics of fieldwork in Latin Americanist geography’. The Professional Geographer 55(2): 180-190.
Manning, Jennifer (2016) ‘Constructing a postcolonial feminist ethnography’. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 5(2): 90-105.
MPhil Research Day
Wednesday, 8 May 2024 | Room 204, CLAS, ARB
An informal event with two main purposes:
- to give you feedback on your research and to share ideas between yourselves and members of staff (this is an exercise to exchange ideas, and not in any way an assessment).
- to help you organise your own ideas (one of the main benefits of having to present your work to others).
Each student will present for about 15 minutes, followed by a conversation with other students and staff. Feel free to present as you find best: this can involve slides or hand-outs, but just speaking is perfectly fine too.