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Centre of Latin American Studies


Finance and Funding

For details of the cost of the course please visit the University's Finance Overview webpages.

Funding for prospective students may be available: a summary of funding opportunities can be found here. Please note that if you are applying for funding, the application deadline is in early December (or earlier in mid-October for Gates Cambridge US round only).

A number of our PhD students are successful in obtaining full funding with scholarships from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Economic and Social Research CouncilGates Cambridge, the Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust and other funding bodies. CLAS is a member of the AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership Scheme and the ESRC Doctoral Training Centre for Social Sciences and is therefore able to consider applicants for both AHRC and ESRC studentships.

CLAS is able to contribute to the costs of carrying out fieldwork in Latin America and students are also eligible to apply to other funds within their College and the University (see 'Funding for current students' for more detailed information on the potential sources available).