Simón Bolívar Professor 2022: Maristella Svampa
Maristella Svampa is a researcher, sociologist, activist and writer.
She has an undergraduate degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and a PhD in Sociology from Paris, at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.
She lives in Argentina and is a Researcher at the Conicet (National Center for Scientific and Technical Research), Argentina, and Professor at the Universidad Nacional de la Plata (province of Buenos Aires). She is the coordinator of the Group of Critical and Interdisciplinary Studies on the Energy Problem (, and participates at the Group of Alternative Development, since 2011.
Her fields of research are Political Ecology, Social Theory and Political Sociology. She researches about Socio-ecological Crisis, Socio-environmental Conflicts and Resistance in Latin America, Neo-extractivism, and the challenges of the Eco-social Transition, from the South.
She received the Guggenheim Fellowship (2007) and the Kónex award in Sociology, and Political Essays (Argentina) in 2006 and 2016, and the Platinum Kónex Award in Sociology (2016). In 2018, she received the National Award in Sociology in Argentina.
Maristella Svampa has published and lectured in many countries (France, USA, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, England, Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Costa Rica, Chile, among others). She has been Simon Bolivar Visiting Chair in France (Université Nouvelle Sorbonne III, IHEAL) ; Visiting Professor at the UNAM (Mexico), the School of High studies in Social Sciences (EHESS, Paris), University of Kassel (Germany), University of Milan (Italie), University Alberto Hurtado (Santiago de Chile), University of Princeton USA), and University of Valparaiso (Chile), among others.
Among her books are:
- Entre la ruta y el barrio. La experiencia de las organizaciones piqueteras (Between the Highway and the Neighborhood: The experience of Piqueteros Organizations) (2003)
- La sociedad excluyente. La Argentina bajo el signo del neoliberalismo (Exclusive society: Argentina under Neoliberalism) (2005)
- Cambio de Epoca. Movimientos sociales y poder político (Change of Time: Social Movements and Political Power) (2008)
- Minería Transnacional, narrativas del desarrollo y Resistencias sociales (Transnacional Mining, Narratives of Development and Social Resistance (2009)
- Debatir Bolivia, Perspectivas de un proyecto de descolonización (2010), in Argentina and Bolivia
- Maldesarrollo. La Argentina del extractivismo y el despojo (Bad-development) with Enrique Viale (2014)
- Debates Latinoamericanos. Indianismo, Desarrollo, Dependencia, Populismo, in Argentina and Bolivia (2016) and Peru (2017), and Brazil (2022).
- La expansión de las fronteras del neoextractivismo en América Latina, México and Argentina (2018)
- El colapso ecológico ya llegó. Una brújula para salir del maldesarrollo (The Ecological Colapse has arrived; 2020, with Enrique Viale)
- La transición energética en Argentina (The Energy Transition in Argentina, with Pablo Bertinat and the other members of Gecipe, coming son, March 2022)
She has published three novels, Los reinos perdidos (2005) and, Donde están enterrados nuestros muertos (2012). El muro (2013), and a non-fiction book, Chacra 51. Regreso a la Patagonia en los tiempos del fracking (2018)
In English, she has published Development in Latin America, Challenges, Resistances, Future Directions, Fernwood Publishing: Canada (2019) and Neo-Extractivism Dynamics in Latin America, Socioenvironmental Conflicts, Territorial Turn, and New Political Narratives, Elements: Cambridge University Press, USA (2019).