Daniela Meneses Sala
St Catharine's College
For her PhD, Daniela is creating an archive of feelings for pets, and studying what such an archive can reveal about affective public cultures in contemporary Peru and their political implications. At Cambridge, she is also a co-convenor of the Ambivalent Archives research network. Daniela holds a Law Degree from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, an MSc in Public Policy from UCL, and an MSc in Gender(Sexuality) from LSE. In addition to her academic career, she has a decade of experience as a journalist, having worked at El Comercio, where she was an editor and columnist, and Comité de Lectura, an independent media outlet. Her PhD is funded by the Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholars Programme.
Supervisor: Geoffrey Maguire
Selected publications
- Meneses Sala, Daniela. “#AMiMeGustaLaVidaSocial: an analysis of a feminist and Peruvian social media ‘campaign’ against victim blaming”. In Decolonising Andean Identities: Andinxs, activism and social change. Irons, Rebecca and Phoebe Martin (eds). UCL Press. Forthcoming 2024.
- Meneses Sala, Daniela and Corina Rueda Borrero. “The other gender ideology: How ‘anti-gender’ presidential candidates produce and reproduce gender. The case of Peruvian 2021 presidential elections”. In: Transnational Anti-Gender Politics: Feminist Solidarity in Times of Global Attacks. Holvikivi, Aiko, Billy Holzberg, and Tomás Ojeda (eds). Palgrave Macmillan. Forthcoming 2024.
- Wenham, Clare, Nelva Aráuz, Daniela Meneses and Corina Rueda. 2022. “Explicitly Sexing Health Security: Analysing the downstream effects of Panama’s sex-segregated COVID-19 disease control policy". Health Policy and Planning, 37(6),728-736.
- Aráuz, Nelva, Clare Wenham, Corina Rueda and Daniela Meneses. 2022. “Una balanza desigual: los trabajos de las mujeres en tiempos de Covid-19, el caso de Panamá”. Debate Feminista, 64, 3-31.
- Meneses, Daniela. 2019. “Con Mis Hijos No Te Metas: un estudio de discurso y poder en un grupo de Facebook peruano opuesto a la «ideología de género»”. Anthropologica, 37(42), 129-154.
Research projects
Together with Rachel Randall (QMUL) and Andrea Aramburú (The University of Edinburgh), Daniela is exploring creative approaches to engage with photographs of wet-nurses in the Peruvian Courret Archive. More information on their work can be found here.
Teaching and supervision
- IL1: Ibero-American Cinema
- SPB3: Translation into Spanish
- SP5: Latin American Culture and History
- Year Abroad Project
Research interests
- Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Critical Archive Studies
- Animal Studies
- Feminist posthumanism
- Creative Methodologies
Selected journalistic work
- Op-ed columns at El Comercio
Social media
Twitter: @menesesdaniela