Bibliography: Violent Materialities: Conflict, Victimhood and the Documentary Body
Titles marked in bold are the most directly relevant or useful for the seminar.
- Andermann, Jens. ‘Expanded Fields: Postdictatorship and the Landscape’, Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, vol. 21, no. 2 (2012), pp. 165-187. (Moodle)
- Arenillas, María Guadalupe, and Michael J. Lazzara. ‘Introduction: Latin American Documentary Film in the New Millennium’. In Latin American Documentary Film in the New Millennium (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), pp. 1-19. (Moodle)
- Avelar, Idelber. The Untimely Present: Postdictatorial Latin American Fiction and the Task of Mourning (Durham: Duke University Press, 1999). (ebook)
- Beljmar, Jordana. ‘Autofictions of Postwar: Fostering Empathy in Lola Arias’ Minefield/Campo minado’, Latin American Theatre Review, vol. 50, no. 2 (2017), pp. 5-25.
- Bruzzi, Stella. 'The Performative Documentary', in New Documentary: A Critical Introduction (Routledge: London, 2011). (Moodle)
- Broderick, Mick, and Antonio Traverso. ‘Interrogating Trauma: Towards a Critical Trauma Studies’, in Interrogating Trauma: Collective Suffering in Global Arts and Media (Routledge: London, 2011), pp. 3-16. (Moodle)
- Elsaesser, Thomas. ‘Paradoxes and Parapraxes: On (the Limits of) Cinematic Represenation in Post-Conflict Situations’, Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media, vol. 60, no. 1 (2019), pp. 64-82.
- Garibotto, Verónica. Rethinking Testimonial Cinema in Postdictatorship Argentina (Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2019).
- Maguire, Geoffrey. ‘Screening the Past: Reflexivity, Repetition and the Spectator in Lola Arias’ Minefield/Campo minado’, Bulletin of Latin American Research, vol. 38, no. 4 (2019), pp. 471-486.
- Martínez, Juliana. ‘“Making Audible in the Mouth Whereof One Cannot Speak”, Spectral Adoptions in Juan Manuel Echavarría’s Réquiem NN’, Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, vol. 27, no. 4 (2018), pp. 433-449.
- Murphy, Kaitlin. ‘Memory Mapping: Affect, Place, and Testimony in El lugar más pequeño’, Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, vol. 25, no. 4 (2016), pp. 571-595. (Moodle)
- Rubiano, Elkin. ‘Réquiem NN, de Juan Manuel Echavarría: entre lo evidente, lo sugestivo y lo reprimido’, Cuadernos de Música, Artes Visuales y Artes Escénicas, vol. 12, no. 1 (2017).
- Taylor, Diana. Excerpt from 'Acts of Transfer', in The Archive and the Repertoire: Performing Cultural Memory in the Americas (Durham: Duke University Press, 2003), pp.1-33. (Moodle)
- Teichert, Erika. ‘Lola Arias’ Campo minado/Minefield (2016): Exploring Dramatherapy in Documentary Theatre’, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, vol. 97, no. 10 (2020).
- Traverso, Antonio, and Kristi M. Wilson. Political Documentary Cinema in Latin America (New York: Routledge, 2014).
- Sarlo, Beatriz. Tiempo pasado: cultura de la memoria y giro subjetivo. Una discusión (Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores, 2012). (online)
- Uribe Alarcón, María Victoria. ‘Against Violence and Oblivion: The Case of Colombia’s Disappeared’. In Meanings of Violence in Contemporary Latin America, ed. by Gabriela Polit Dueñas and María Helena Rueda (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), pp. 37-52.
- Visconti, Marcela. ‘Actos de guerra. Tiempos y escenas para pensar Malvinas’, Nuevo Mundo, Mundo Nuevos, pp. 2-16.
- Whigham, Kerry. ‘Filling the Absence: The Re-embodiment of Sites of Mass Atrocity and the Practices They Generate’, Museum Studies, vol. 12, no. 2 (2014), pp. 88-103.