Summer 2015
Conference: Ecuador’s Buen Vivir: Implementation, challenges and ways forward
Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
24-25 September 2015
Postgraduates in Latin American Studies (PILAS) Annual Conference
University of Cambridge
22-24 June 2015
Easter 2015
Arpilleras Dialogantes/Arpillera Conversations
A seminar/dialogue with the participation of Diamela Eltit (Simón Bolívar Professor 2014-15, CLAS) and Roberta Bacic, incorporating an exhibition of 12 arpilleras from Chile, Peru, Spain, England and Ireland which span from the times of Chilean dictatorship up to recent conflicts from different places from around the world.
28 May 2015
Simposio: ‘Adaptaciones del cuerpo’: crítica y cultura en el Chile actual
El simposio ‘Adaptaciones del cuerpo’ pretende ofrecer diversas perspectivas y actualizar saberes distintos acerca de la experiencia, representación, conceptualización, práctica y actuación del cuerpo humano (pero también animal, mecánico, etc.) en su relación con la actualidad chilena, latinoamericana y global.
28 April 2015
Beyond Borders: a weekend of Ibero-American Film
The Centre of Latin American Studies (CLAS) and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese warmly invite you to a free weekend of contemporary Ibero-American film.
25-26 April 2015
Symposium: 'Mexico Noir: Rethinking the Dark in Contemporary Narrative and Photography'
This symposium will adopt an intermedial and interdisciplinary approach to exploring the allusive nexus of the dark in contemporary Mexican narrative and photography during decades of deepening crisis marked by the high profile staging of atrocities and the re-emergence of an ironic noir aesthetic.
24 April 2015
Lent 2015
Concrete Poetry: symposium (14 February) and exhibition hosted by CLAS
The exhibition is ongoing and open to the public on weekdays for viewing by appointment
14 February 2015 until 1 March 2015
Michaelmas 2014
Hora Chilena (Chilean Time): a documentary film
A documentary that paints a portrait of refugees who escaped torture and death during Chile’s brutal 1973 coup and came to live in exile in Britain.
20 October 2014