Simón Bolívar Professor 2018-19: Natalia Majluf
We are delighted to be welcoming Professor Natalia Majluf to Cambridge to take up the Simón Bolívar Visiting Chair for 2018-19. Prof Majluf has been Head Curator and Director of the Museo de Arte de Lima (Peru), where she expanded the collection considerably and founded what is now the leading art documentation archive in the country. She holds a PhD in Art History from The University of Texas at Austin, and has written and edited a significant number of books and curated exhibitions on Peruvian art from the eighteenth to the twentieth-century. Prof Majluf came to Cambridge for a brief time in 2007 as a Visiting Fellow based at the Centre of Latin American Studies, and has also taken up research fellowships with the Getty Foundation and the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.
You may read more about Prof Majluf’s work in a recent interview published in the Peruvian press.
The Avant-garde Networks of Amauta: Argentina, Mexico, and Peru in the 1920s
20 February – 27 May, 2019, Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid
The exhibition is organized by the Blanton Museum of Art and the Museo de Arte de Lima in collaboration with the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía and the support of Promperú
Curatorship: Beverly Adams and Natalia Majluf
El despertar de las vanguardias en Latinoamérica
Redes de vanguardia: Amauta y América Latina, 1926-1930, Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid