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Graham Denyer Willis

The following readings give a sense of the intellectual scope around the discussion and research, which is vast. Please select three or four (including at least one book) and read prior to the session: 


  • Araújo, Fábio Alves. "“Não tem corpo, não tem crime”: notas socioantropológicas sobre o ato de fazer desaparecer corpos." Horizontes antropológicos 46 (2016): 37-64.
  • De León, Jason. (2015). The Land of Open Graves: Living and Dying on the Migrant Trail. Oakland: University of California Press.
  • Denyer Willis, G. (2022). Keep the Bones Alive: Missing People and the Search for Life in Brazil. Oakland: University of California Press.
  • Ferrándiz, Francisco and Antonius Robben. (2015). Necropolitics: Mass Graves and Exhumations in the Age of Human Rights. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Ferreira, L. C. D. M. (2013). " Apenas preencher papel": reflexões sobre registros policiais de desaparecimento de pessoa e outros documentos. Mana19, 39-68.
  • Gatti, G. (2020). The social disappeared: Genealogy, global circulations, and (possible) uses of a category for the bad life. Public Culture32(1), 25-43.
  • Rojas-Perez, I. (2017). Mourning remains: State atrocity, exhumations, and governing the disappeared in Peru's postwar Andes. Stanford University Press.
  • Verdery, K. (1999). The political lives of dead bodies: Reburial and postsocialist change. Columbia University Press.
  • Davis, D. (2016). “The Bone Collectors” Comments for Sorrow as Artifact: Black Radical Mothering in Times of Terror. Transforming Anthropology 24 (1), 8–16.
  • Wright, M. W. (2017). Epistemological ignorances and fighting for the disappeared: lessons from Mexico. Antipode49(1), 249-269.