Further Readings
- Benavente, C. and Valdés, A. (2014) Políticas públicas para la igualdad de género Un aporte a la autonomía de las mujeres. Santiago.
- Childs, S. and Lovenduski, J. (2013) ‘Political Representation’, in G. Waylen et al. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Politics. Oxford: Oxford Handbooks Online. Available at:
- ECLAC (2019) Planes de igualdad de género en América Latina y el Caribe: Mapas de ruta para el desarrollo. Santiago.
- Fraser, N. (2007) ‘Mapping the feminist imagination: From redistribution to recognition to representation’, The Future of Gender, 12(3), pp. 17–34.
- González, M. (2007) ‘El estudio de las políticas públicas: un acercamiento a la disciplina’, Mexican Law Review, 2(6), pp. 99–118.
- Goodin, R.E., Rein, M. and Moran, M. (2009) The Public and its Policies, The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy. Available at:
- Haas, L. (2010) Feminist Policymaking in Chile. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
- Howarth, D. (2010) ‘Power, discourse, and policy: articulating a hegemony approach to critical policy studies’, Critical Policy Studies, 3(3–4), pp. 309–335.
- Htun, M. and Weldon, S.L. (2010) ‘When do governments promote women’s rights? A framework for the comparative analysis of sex equality policy’, Perspectives on Politics, 8(1), pp. 207–216.
- Lamas, M. (2000) ‘Usos, dificultades y posibilidades de la categoría “género”’, in M. Lamas (ed.) El género. La construcción cultural de la diferencia sexual. México DF: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, pp. 327-366.
- Molyneux, M. (2007) ‘Refiguring Citizenship Research Perspectives on Gender Justice in the Latin American and Caribbean Region’, in M. Mukhopadhyay and N. Singh (eds) Gender Justice, Citizenship and Development. Ottawa and New Dehli: Zubaan and International Development Research Centre.
- Ramm, Alejandra (2020) ‘Latin America: A Fertile Ground for Maternalism’, in A. Ramm and J. Gideon (eds) Motherhood, Social Policies and Women’s Activism in Latin America. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 13–37. Available at:
- Waylen, G. (1996) ‘Analysing Women in the Politics of the Third World’, Review of Japanese Culture and Society, 9, pp. 1–14.
- Waylen, G. et al. (2013) ‘Introduction: Gender and Politics: A Gendered World, a Gendered Discipline’, The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Politics, (April 2016), pp. 1–31.
- Weldon, L. (2002) Protest, Policy, and the Problem of Violence against Women. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.