Bibliography: Sex and Scandal: Exploitation Cinema in Latin America
Titles marked in bold are the most directly relevant or useful for the seminar.
Exploitation cinema
- Ciasullo, Ann. ‘Containing “Deviant” Desire: Lesbianism, Heterosexuality, and the Women-in-Prison Narrative’. The Journal of Popular Culture 41, no. 2 (2008): 195–223.
- De la Mora, Sergio. ‘“Tus pinches leyes yo me las paso por los huevos”. In Latsploitation, Exploitation Cinemas, and Latin America, edited by Victoria Ruétalo and Dolores Tierney, 245–56. New York; London: Routledge, 2009. (Moodle)
- Goity, Elena, and David Oubiña. ‘El policial argentino’. In Cine argentino en democracia (1983–1993), edited by Claudio España, 209–29. Buenos Aires: Fondo Nacional de las Artes, 1994. (Moodle, particularly useful for Correccional de mujeres)
- Gorfinkel, Elena. Lewd Looks: American Sexploitation Cinema in the 1960s. Minneapolis; London: University of Minnesota Press, 2017. (Introduction and pp. 97-134 [reflexivity])
- Halberstam, Jack. Female Masculinity. Durham: Duke University Press, 1998. (pp. 1-43 and 175-202)
- Ruétalo, Victoria and Dolores Tierney. (2009). ‘Introduction: Reinventing the Frame-Exploitation and Latin America’. In Latsploitation, Exploitation Cinemas, and Latin America, edited by Victoria Ruétalo and Dolores Tierney, 1–12. New York; London: Routledge, 2009. (Moodle)
- Schaefer, Eric. Bold! Daring! Shocking! True!: A History of Exploitation Films, 1919–1959. Durham: Duke University Press, 1999.
- Tierney, Dolores. ‘El vampiro y el sexo/The Vampire and Sex (René Cardona 1969): El Santo, sexploitation films and politics in Mexico 1968’, Porn Studies 6, no. 4 (2019): 411–427.
Gender, Sexuality, and Spectatorship
- De la Mora, Sergio. Cinemachismo: Masculinities and Sexuality in Mexican Film. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2006.
- Mulvey, Laura. ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’. Screen 16, no. 3 (1975): 6–18.
- Williams, Linda. ‘Film Bodies: Gender, Genre, and Excess’. Film Quarterly 44, no. 4 (1991): 2–13.
- --------------------- Screening Sex. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008.
Sex and Politics
- Cosse, Isabella. ‘Una revolución discreta. El nuevo paradigma sexual en Buenos Aires (1960–1975)’. Secuencia, no. 77 (2010): 111–48.
- Manzano, Valeria. ‘Tiempos de destape: sexo, cultura y política en la Argentina de los ochenta’. Mora, no. 25 (2019): 135–54.
- Milanesio, Natalia. Destape: Sex, Democracy, and Freedom in Postdictatorial Argentina. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019. (Especially pp. 3-22, 23-64, 65-101)
- Ortiz-Ortega, Adriana and Mercedes Barquet. ‘Gendering Transition to Democracy in Mexico’. Latin American Research Review 45, no. 1 (2010): 108–137.
Bó + Sarli
- Basilio Fabris, Ailin. ‘Moral, género y gusto. Críticas cinematográficas alrededor del erotismo de Armando Bo e Isabel Sarli en Argentina (1968–1972)’. Descentrada 5, no.1 (2021): e137.
- Drajner Barredo, Tamara. ‘¿Cosificación o uso político? Carne de Armando Bo-Isabel Sarli’. Imagofagia, no. 14 (2016): 1–27.
- Geirola, Gustavo. ‘Introducción. Una aproximación tensionada a la estética cinematográfica de Sarli/Bo’. In Elocuencia del cuerpo. Ensayos en homenaje a Isabel Sarli, edited by Gustavo Geirola, 1–55. Buenos Aires; Los Angeles: Argus-a, 2020
- Pieniazek, Denise. ‘Isabel Sarli, ese oscuro objeto del deseo. Entre el erotismo patriarcal y el goce femenino’. In Elocuencia del cuerpo. Ensayos en homenaje a Isabel Sarli, edited by Gustavo Geirola, 75–104. Buenos Aires; Los Angeles: Argus-a, 2020.
- Ruétalo, Victoria. ‘Temptations: Isabel Sarli Exposed’. In Latsploitation, Exploitation Cinemas, and Latin America, edited by Victoria Ruétalo and Dolores Tierney, 201–14. New York; London: Routledge, 2009. (Moodle)
———. ‘¡Prohibida! Armando Bó and Isabel Sarli’s Struggle with Censorship in Argentina’. Porn Studies 5, no. 4 (2018): 380–92.
———. Violated Frames: Armando Bó and Isabel Sarli’s Sexploits. Oakland: University of California Press, 2022. - Wilson-Nunn, Oliver. ‘Sexo, drogas y ¿cárcel?: subjetividades modernas en Intimidades de una cualquiera (1974)’, Ñawi, 8, no. 2 (2024), pp. 107–123.