Bibliography: Latin America, global value chains, and the zero-carbon agenda
Lehtimäki, H., Karhu, M., Kotilainen, J. M., Sairinen, R., Jokilaakso, A., Lassi, U., & Huttunen-Saarivirta, E. (2024). Sustainability of the use of critical raw materials in electric vehicle batteries: A transdisciplinary review. Environmental Challenges, 16, 100966.
Kalantzakos S (2020) The Race for Critical Minerals in an Era of Geopolitical Realignments. The International Spectator 55(3): 1–16
Obaya M, López A and Pascuini P (2020) Curb your enthusiasm. Challenges to the development of lithium-based linkages in Argentina. Resources Policy 101912.
Bustos-Gallardo, B., Bridge, G., & Prieto, M. (2021). Harvesting Lithium: water, brine and the industrial dynamics of production in the Salar de Atacama. Geoforum, 119, 177-189