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Centre of Latin American Studies


Past PhD Students at the Centre of Latin American Studies

Alphabetically listed (year of conferment)

Andrea Aramburu-Villavisencio (2022)

Curatorial Constellations: Relationality, Matter and Aesthetics in Contemporary Latin American Women’s and Queer Comics
Supervisor: Dr Joanna Page

Emily Baker (2016)

Nazism and the Second World War in Contemporary Latin American Literature
Supervisor: Dr Rory O’Bryen

Oliver Balch (2019)

Pulp fictions: An ethnographic critique of the use of Corporate Responsibility in Foreign Direct Investment
Supervisor: Dr Sian Lazar

Jordana Blejmar (2012)

The Truth of Fiction: Second-Generation Memory in Post-Dictatorship Argentine Culture
Supervisor: Dr Joanna Page

Lucy Bollington (2018)

Reframing Excess: Death and Power in Contemporary Mexican Literary and Visual Culture​
Supervisor: Dr Geoffrey Kantaris

Joseph Brandim Howson (2022)

Veillance Dynamics in Pseudo* States
Supervisor: Dr Geoffrey Kantaris

Ramona Braun (2014)

Laparoscopy as a neo-eugenic practice in gynaecology, 1940s-60s
Supervisors: Professor Sir Richard Evans; Dr Charles Jones

Daniel Carter (2013)

Politics and Culture in Chile before the Coup: A Study of Urban Society in Temuco 1964-1973
Supervisor: Dr Charles Jones

Katy Critchfield (2017)

The Intersections of Politics and Aesthetics in Post-Dictatorship Southern Cone Culture
Supervisor: Dr Rory O’Bryen

Anna Corrigan (2024)

Practices of Assembling in (Post-)Dictatorial Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay (1973-2019)
Supervisor: Dr Joanna Page

Celia Dunne (2013)

Identity, Site, and Participation in the Work of Lourdes Grobet, Francisco Mata, and Gabriel Orozco
Supervisor: Ms Erica Segre

Cherilyn Elston (2015)

Modernity's Rebel Daughters: Feminism, Writing and Conflict in Contemporary Colombia
Supervisor: Dr. Geoffrey Kantaris

Dunja Fehimovic (2016)

Contemporary Cuban film in Relation to National Identity
Supervisor: Dr Rory O'Bryen

Jessica Fernandez de Lara Harada (2022)

Encounters between East Asia and Latin America through an examination of Japanese migration to Mexico from the late 19th century to the mid 20th century
Supervisor: Dr Mónica Moreno Figueroa

Niall Geraghty (2015)

Kafka and his Progeny: Toward an Immanent Critique of Capitalism and Political Violence in the work of César Aira, Marcelo Cohen and
Ricardo Piglia

Supervisor: Dr. Joanna Page

Ann Hapka Morkassel (2011)

Venezuelan Overseas Oil Strategy, 1998-2009
Supervisor: Dr Charles Jones

Rebecca Jarman (2015)

Spatial Transformations in Contemporary Representations of the Venezuelan City (1989 onwards)
Supervisor: Dr. Geoffrey Kantaris

Edward King (2012)

Mapping the Control Society: Science Fiction Tropes and Digital Technologies in Contemporary Argentine and Brazilian Narrative
Supervisor: Dr Joanna Page

Natalie Krol (2012)

Islands within the Island: The Implications of Islandness, the Literary City and the Dialectics of Identity and Exile in post-Soviet Cuban Narrative
Supervisor: Dr Rory O'Bryen

Alejandro Lerch (2020)

Drug Trafficking and the state of Mexico
Supervisor: Dr Graham Denyer-Willis

Grace Livingstone (2015)

British Policy towards the Southern Cone Dictatorships 1973-82
Supervisor: Dr. Charles Jones

Geoffrey Maguire (2015)

Political Postmemory: Childhood, Memory and Politics in Argentina's Post-Dictatorship Generation (2003-2013)
Supervisor: Dr. Joanna Page

Katherine Anne Mato (2021)

Gender and Space in Contemporary Cuban Art 
Supervisor: Dr. Erica Segre

Catriona McAllister (2014)

Rewritings of Independence in Contemporary Argentine Fiction
Supervisor: Dr. Joanna Page

Paul Merchant (2017)

Figures of house and home in contemporary Argentine and Chilean cinema
Supervisor: Dr Joanna Page

Chandra Morrison (2014)

Saturated Cities: Graffiti Art in São Paulo and Santiago de Chile
Supervisor: Dr Geoffrey Kantaris

Mara Polgovsky Ezcurra (2015)

Touched Bodies: Corporeal Ethics in Latin American Art at the Onset of the Media Age
Supervisor: Dr. Geoffrey Kantaris

Rachel Randall (2015)

Representations of childhood/adolescence in contemporary Brazilian and Colombian film and literature
Supervisor: Dr. Geoffrey Kantaris

Carlyn Rodgers (2023)

Non-Governmental Organizations and Black Resistance in Rio de Janeiro
Supervisor: Dr. Mónica Moreno Figueroa

R. Sá​nchez-Rivera (2020)

What Happened to Mexican Eugenics? :Racism and the Reproduction of the Nation​
Supervisor: Dr. Mónica Moreno Figueroa ​

Juan Pablo Scarfi (2014)

The Intellectual History of Pan-Americanism and International Law in the Americas, 1900-1942
Supervisor: Dr Charles Jones

Jessica Sequeira (2023)

Literary relations between Latin America and South Asia, with a focus on India
Supervisor: Dr Joanna Page

Parvathi Subbiah (2021)

Populist Narratives on Twitter in Hugo Chávez’s Venezuela
Supervisor: Dr. Mónica Moreno Figueroa ​ 

Minyan Sun  (2018)

Zen Buddhism in the short stories of Julio Cortázar
Supervisor: Dr Joanna Page

Erika Teichert (2022)

Political propaganda and artistic practice in contemporary Argentine culture and politics
Supervisor: Dr Joanna Page

Andrew Tillman (2013)

The Uses of the Past in Contemporary Venezuela
Supervisor: Dr Charles Jones

Elsa M. Treviño (2015)

Belonging Elsewhere: Fictional Space and New Approaches to Identity in Mexican Narrative at the Turn of the Millennium
Supervisor: Ms. Erica Segre

Sandra del Valle Casals (2022)

The construction of Otherness and national identity in contemporary Chilean cinema
Supervisor: Dr Joanna Page

Callie Vandewiele (2019)

“Pic’bil”: digital repatriation and textile production as cultural revival in the Alta Verapaz of Guatemala
Supervisors: Dr Francoise Barbira FreedmanDr Susanna Rostas

Joseph Whitfield (2015)

Punitive Cultures of Latin America: Power, Resistance and the State in Representations of the Prison
Supervisor: Dr Rory O'Bryen

Oliver Wilson-Nunn (2024)

Punishment, Injustice, and Modernity: Incarceration in Argentine Cinema
Supervisor: Dr Joanna Page