Joanna Page, Director, Centre of Latin American Studies, Cambridge: Introduction
Julio Ortega, Brown University: The Latin American Transatlantic Paradigm: Balance and Perspectives Ben Smith, University of Warwick: The Mexican Press and the Public Sphere
Graham Denyer Willis, University of Cambridge: Latin America and the Technologies of Indiscipline: Citizen Struggles with Insecurity
Mara Viveros Vigolla, Universidad Nacional de Colombia: De la ‘extraversión’ a las ‘epistemologías nuestroamericanas’. Un descentramiento en clave feminista
Erica Segre, University of Cambridge: Dark Matter/Materia oscura Hypothesis/: Indiscipline and the Poetics of Indeterminacy
Adam Sharman, University of Nottingham: The Mother of all (In)discipline: Literature and Modernity
Adrián Gorelik (CONICET/Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina): De cerca y de lejos: Paradojas del latinoamericanismo