Nathan Huanacune
Research topic
The Andean world of welfare colonialism: social policy and ethnic boundaries in Peru
I am interested in the welfare state, the global crisis of care and racialised bordering, urban marginality and decolonial theory. My research analyses the evolution of the Peruvian welfare state since the adoption of neoliberal reforms during the 1990s. I seek to understand to what extent social policies regulate the production of ethnic and racial boundaries/subjectivities. In particular, I focus on the social relations of welfare and on how the normative requirements that condition the access to welfare institutions shape welfare subjects according to hegemonic visions of the nation, family, and work. Analysing social policies as techniques for the government of the self is crucial to understand the ways in which power is exercised in contemporary Peru.
I have a BA in Politics from the University of Exeter, an MSc in Inequalities and Social Science from the LSE and an MPhil in Latin American Studies from the University of Cambridge.
College: Sidney Sussex
Supervisor: Pedro Mendes Loureiro