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Further Readings

  • Barrientos, A. and Santibáñez, C. 2009. New Forms of Social Assistance and the Evolution of Social Protection in Latin America. Journal of Latin American Studies, 41(1), 1-26. 
  • Fraile, L. 2009. Lessons from Latin America's neo-liberal experiment: An overview of labour and social policies since the 1980s. International Labour Review, 148, 215-233. 
  • Franzoni, J. M. and Sánchez-Ancochea, D., 2016. The quest for universal social policy in the South: actors, ideas and architectures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 
  • Ham, A. 2014. The impact of conditional cash transfers on educational inequality of opportunity. Latin American Research Review, 49(3), 153-175. 
  • Jones, H. 2016. More Education, Better Jobs? A Critical Review of CCTs and Brazil's Bolsa Família Programme for Long-Term Poverty Reduction. Social Policy and Society, 15(3), 465-478. 
  • Kabeer, N. and Waddington, H. 2015. Economic impacts of conditional cash transfer programmes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 7(3), 290-303. 
  • Lavinas, L. 2013. 21st Century Welfare. New Left Review, 84(Nov-Dec), 5-32. 
  • Lomelí, E. V. 2008. Conditional Cash Transfers as Social Policy in Latin America: An Assessment of Their Contributions and Limitations. Annual Review of Sociology, 34, 475-498. 
  • Lustig, N. 2017. Fiscal Redistribution and Ethnoracial Inequality in Bolivia, Brazil, and Guatemala. Latin American Research Review, 52(2), 208-220. 
  • Niedzwiecki, S. and Anria, S. 2019. Participatory Social Policies: Diverging Patterns in Brazil and Bolivia. Latin American Politics and Society, 61(2), 115-137. 
  • Saad-Filho, A. 2015. Social Policy for Neoliberalism: The Bolsa Família Programme in Brazil. Development and Change, 46(6), 1227-1252.